In the margins, the gutters, the bramble...
Roseanne Johnson
8 pages / b﹠w, laser print, saddle stitch on newsprint / 5x6.5 / ed. of 50.
$5 + $3.99s/h. (buy100% to the artist/ minus s/h
*please email for shipping outside of the United States.


In the margins, the gutters, the bramble... is a beautiful, claustrophobic dive through the anarchic example of the Himalayan blackberry bramble and its invasive - (de)colonizing - relationship to the alienating architecture of the exurb.

Roseanne Johnson is an artist from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Their work in text, clothing, ready-made, and hand-worked objects are a cacophonous ruination of productivity, respectability, and heirarchies of passing for someone who shops.

Roseanne is co-conspirator and co-director of Huner Francis. They currently reside in Braddock, Pennsylvania.